Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's a rain day

It's been raining and Amy decided to pick up the phone and talk talk talk. she called up every one she knows. P.S I made the phone
From Charlotte and Amy


  1. Hello Charlotte,

    Amy your blythe looks VERY cute! And that telephone is so so awesome!!

    Love from Emily oxoxoxoxoxoxox

  2. I like the phone you made it is so awesome!

  3. I love your "Blythe Doll".That is a good name for your blythe doll.The names I pick for my dolls are just great.Have you checked out my blogs yet??I going to post more pictures of my blythe and moomin toys in the afternoon.That is a great idea to make a phone for Amy.And also I love Amy outfit!!

  4. Hi Charlotte

    The phone is so creative
    And your blythe is so so so so awesome
